Pupil Voice


School Council

Each year group from Y2 to Y6 has 2 representatives who are elected by their peers to represent them, each School Councillor staying in post for one year. School Council makes decisions about fundraising, charitable events and school improvement. School Councillors often help to greet visitors to our school, carry out surveys and canvas opinion from other pupils and keep Governors and pupils informed about what they have achieved in their School Council work.

Criw Cymraeg

Shwmae pawb, rydyn ni’n Criw Cymraeg! Hi everyone, we are Criw Cymraeg. We feel it is really important to learn Welsh, and to be proud of our culture here in Wales. We are responsible for promoting the use of the Welsh language around our school. We do this by playing yard games, promoting our ‘Cwestiwn yr Wythnos’, (question of the week), and running Welsh assemblies. We were awarded our Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award in July 2022 – Gwobr Efydd Cymraeg Campus, and we are now working towards our Silver Award.

Eco Schools

The pupils and staff on the Eco Committee help our school to be as ‘green’ and environmentally sustainable as possible.

They have recently completed a review of school activities in eight separate areas, and are now using the results to decide on an action plan with targets for improvement.  The eight areas are:  Waste Minimisation, Transport, School Grounds, Healthy Living, Energy, Water, Litter and Global Citizenship.

The Committee has written and shared an Eco-code to remind us all how to care for our school and the wider world. They help make sure that environmental issues are regularly included in lessons for all classes and suggest activities and events for the whole school eg. Earth Hour and Climate Change assemblies,  Bee Day and Recycled Fashion events.

The school participates in the Eco-Schools awards programme, run by Keep Wales Tidy.  The Committee helps to record evidence of our environmental activities and discussions, which we will need to apply for our next Platinum Award.

Many of the Committee members also come to Eco-club, after school.  The children are very enthusiastic and committed to the idea of a sustainable world.  They come up with some fantastic ideas!

Healthy Schools

Meet the committee:

A ‘Healthy School’ is one which takes responsibility for maintaining and promoting the health of all who ‘learn, work, play and live’ within it . It actively promotes, protects and embeds the physical, mental and social health and well being of its community through positive action.

The Healthy School Committee has been set up to take control over aspects of the school environment which influence health.

This year the committee will be working towards attaining Phase 5 and will be looking at “Mental and Emotional Health and Well Being”.


Meet the committee:

Being a Fairtrade school means joining a worldwide movement – a movement where young people learn that, whatever their age, they have the power to make a difference in their world.

It offers a great opportunity to look at global issues such as where our food comes from and how we are connected to the people who produce it. The Fairtrade committee members get the opportunity to develop a range of skills, from teamwork to cooperation from persuasive writing to organising competitions.

In 2019-2020 the Fairtrade committee are focusing on enabling other pupils to develop a greater understanding of Fairtrade and are working to maintain our Fairtrade School status as part of the Fairtrade Foundation.