Pupil Deprivation Grant


Annex B: Pupil Development Grant Strategy Statement

From 2022-2023 schools will need to complete and publish a statement on their PDG strategy. This can be seen below.

From 2022-2023 the consortium will also be required to publish a statement on its EYPDG strategy for non-maintained settings delivering funded early education.  This should follow the same format as the school’s template below.


This statement details our school’s use of the PDG for the 2022 to 2023 academic year.

It outlines our strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending had within our school.

If your numbers are 5 and below please use a * instead of the allocation to protect the identification of children.

School Overview

School nameLlangattock Church in Wales School
Number of pupils in school103
Proportion (%) of PDG eligible pupils13%
Date this statement was published01/10/22
Date on which it will be reviewed30/01/23
Statement authorised byKathryn Marshall
PDG LeadKathryn Marshall
Governor LeadJim Retallick

Funding Overview

PDG funding allocation this academic year Will provide 14 hours of additional LSA support across the school£10,350
Additional Funding from School Budget£1,080
Total budget for this academic year  £11,430

Part A: Strategy Plan

Statement of Intent

 You may want to include information on:
Llangattock School will:
·       Provide additional support to improve the Literacy and Numeracy skills of identified group of pupils (based on internal assessments/observations and WNT data)
·       Provide emotional/well-being support to help pupils entering Reception develop their social skills and integrate into school
·       Provide in class support to improve the focus and concentration of identified group of pupils to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress
How does your current strategy plan work towards achieving those objectives?
·       Provides 14hrs additional LSA support provides in class support in KS2 and FPh to support and develop well-being, literacy and numeracy
·       Small group specific interventions carried out regularly for identified groups of children
·       Daily reading interventions using the Staffordshire and Warwickshire reading Programme
What are the key principles of your strategy plan?
·       Improve reading skills of identified groups
·       Improve numeracy skills of identified groups
·       Enable identified pupils to integrate fully into school and access all areas of the curriculum
Provide additional support for pupils in class provides scaffolding to enable identified group to work with peers and feel successful