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Weekly update Friday 28th June 2024

Prynhawn da,

Wow, another busy and brilliant week!

Our Foundation Phase pupils had a wonderful trip to Craig y Nos.  They learnt about pond life through pond dipping and about bugs through their bug hunt.

8 of our Y5/6 boys joined the Cricket Tournament in Brecon and 14 of our Y2/3 girls joined in with the football festival at Crickhowell High School.  Well done to everyone who took part. It is fantastic to be given the opportunities to participate in sporting events such as these.

Thanks to our school nurse for coming in to see our foundation learners to talk about sun safety and in Y5/6 to talk about puberty.

FP Flood Management workshop with The Wye and Usk Foundation was very interesting and informative. Unfortunately they had to cancel the KS2 workshops today, but we hope to re-arrange for another day.

We have lots of raffle prizes for our Summer Raffle, please see the flyer attached. Support the raffle as much as you can-we have lots of tickets to sell! Diolch.

Next Week:

Monday 1st July

  • FP PE
  • Y3/4 trip to Christchurch Swansea. Please ensure children have packed lunch and a drink. Remember a sunhat and sunscreen if sunny.
  • Piano lessons
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Football and Whole School Fun Club
  • Neurodiversity training 3.45-5.45pm at school (email with details sent)

Tuesday 2nd

  • FP PE
  • Transition morning for Year 5 pupils to CHS – please arrive at Llangattock promptly, we are leaving at 9.15am to walk to CHS.
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 3rd

  • Y5/6 Youth Speaks competition with Rotary Club.
  • Y5/6 PE
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 4th

  • Y3/4 PE?
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh craft

Friday 5th

  • INSET DAY – school closed to pupils

Upcoming Events: 

  • 12th July – Year 6 meal and sleepover.
  • 17th July – Year 6 Leavers celebration, 6pm community hall
  • 18th July – PTA Summer Fete.
  • 19th July – Year 6 Leavers service at St Catwg’s, 10am
  • 19th July-Last Day of Term!

Polite Reminders:

  • After school clubs. Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs you child(ren) attend. Also can I remind you please, that clubs finish at 4.30pm. Please make every effort to be punctual in order for staff /volunteers to be released on time after a long working day! Diolch.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 21st June 2024

Prynhawn da,

A wonderfully entertaining end to the week! The Talent Show today showed once again the diverse skills and talents our children have!  We are so proud of them all. Thank you everyone who supported the show and our refreshments sale. We really appreciate it.

It was lovely to meet the parents of our new Reception children on Monday.  In September we are delighted to be welcoming 19 pupils in Reception!

Mix Up Day on Tuesday went really well, the children took part in a range of activities linked to Refugee Week. It is fantastic to see how well the children work together across the school.

Y3/4 children has such fun at Techniquest on Wednesday. The science show was brilliant and the children really enjoyed spending time exploring the wide range of science experiments on the exhibition floors.

Y6 pupils enjoyed their New Intake Day at Crickhowell High School.  Can’t believe we will be saying goodbye to them in 4 weeks! We have lots of lovely events planned for them, so they won’t be going without a celebration or two!

Next Week:

Monday 24th June

  • FP PE
  • Y3/4 PE
  • Y1/2 sun safety with school nurse
  • Y5/6 puberty talk with school nurse
  • Piano lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Football and Whole School Fun Club

Tuesday 25th

  • FP Flood Management workshop with The Wye and Usk Foundation
  • Guitar lessons
  • Girls football festival for Year 2 and 3 girls at CHS, 10am-12pm (email with details sent out)
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 26th

  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 27th

  • FPh trip to Craig y Nos – details sent to parents, please make payment via Parent by today, thank you.
  • Y5/6 Cricket Festival, Brecon CC (email with details sent out)
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh craft

Friday 28th

  • Y5/6 PE
  • KS2 Flood Management workshop with The Wye and Usk Foundation
  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Saturday 29th June

  • Llangattock Village Summer Fair, 12pm onwards. PTA are holding a Pimms stall to raise funds for the school. Please join us!

Upcoming Events: 

  • 2nd July – transition morning for Year 5 pupils to CHS (details and timings to follow)
  • 5th July-Cluster Inset Day. School closed for pupils.
  • 12th July – Year 6 meal and sleepover.
  • 17th July – Year 6 Leavers celebration, 6pm community hall
  • 18th July – PTA Summer Fete.
  • 19th July – Year 6 Leavers service at St Catwg’s, 10am
  • 19th July-Last Day of Term!

Polite Reminders:

  • After school clubs. Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs you child(ren) attend. Also can I remind you please, that clubs finish at 4.30pm. Please make every effort to be punctual in order for staff /volunteers to be released on time after a long working day! Diolch.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 14th June 2024

Prynhawn da,

This week began with an enriching experience for our new Reception learners, who came to join our Foundation learners for a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. The children had a wonderful time taking part in activities outdoors-despite the weather! It was lovely to welcome our new children to Llangattock. We look forward to welcoming you fully in September. 

On Tuesday our KS2 learners visited St Catwg’s as part of Churches Count on Nature Week. John Meredith led a session on signs of nature in the burial grounds, Sue Furber kindly talked to us about moths and Reverend Bevan gave a tour of the inside of the church. Thank you very much to all volunteers who helped facilitate the morning. Everyone had a great time and came away with new knowledge!

Today we marked National Day of Welcome with a series of live author events. The children enjoyed reading book extracts and having the opportunity to engage with the authors.

The PTA has been busy organising our Summer Raffle in support of developing our Forest School area!  Tickets will be coming home with your child today.  More tickets are available if you want to take any for family, friends, work colleagues etc. All monies and stubs to be returned to the school office by Wednesday 17th July please.

Don’t forget, it is the HBTSR Awards Evening tonight, at St Mary’s Brecon at 6.30pm. I look forward to seeing some of you there.

Next Week:

Refugee Week. Theme-Our Home.

Monday 17th June

  • FP PE
  • Y3/4 PE
  • Piano lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Football and Whole School Fun Club
  • New Reception intake (Sept 24) meeting, 4pm

Tuesday 18th

  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 19th

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 visit to Techniquest – details sent to parents, please make payment via Parent pay asap, thank you
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 20th

  • Guitar lessons
  • Y6 New Intake Day at CHS
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh craft

Friday 21st

  • Talent Show, 1.30pm
  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • 25th June, Girls football festival for Year 2 and 3 girls at CHS, 10am-12pm.
  • 27th June – FPh trip to Craig y Nos – details sent to parents, please make payment via Parent by today, thank you
  • 29th June Llangattock Village Summer Fair. PTA are holding a Pimms stall to raise funds for the school. Please join us!
  • 5th July-Cluster Inset Day. School closed for pupils.
  • 12th July – Year 6 meal and sleepover.
  • 17th July – Year 6 Leavers celebration, 6pm community hall
  • 18th July – PTA Summer Fete.
  • 19th July – Year 6 Leavers service at St Catwg’s, 10am
  • 19th July-Last Day of Term!

Polite Reminders:

  • After school pick up. Can I remind you please, that if your child/ren are to be picked up by another parent or person not on their list, that you inform the office or the class teacher in advance? We have to ensure that permissions have come directly from parents. Thank you.
  • After school clubs. Can I remind you please, that clubs finish at 4.30pm? Please make every effort to be punctual in order for staff /volunteers to be released on time after a long working day! Diolch.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 10th May 2024

Prynhawn da,

We have made the most of the great weather this week with lots of outdoor learning. The children really benefit from having such a wonderful outdoor environment here at Llangattock.

We ended the week on a high with the Y3/4 P Buzz concert. It was so much fun! The children did really well, led by the brilliant Upbeat Dave. It was lovely to see the high levels of engagement and enjoyment.

Next Week – Personalised assessment this week and next week

Monday 13th May

  • Y3/4 PE
  • FP PE
  • Piano lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Football and Whole School Fun Club


  • Y5/6 PE
  • KS2 Basketball tournaments-at school
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 15th 

  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 16th 

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 17th 

  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • 20th May – Year 6 confirmation service. 
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – please give consent and make payment via Parent Pay
  • 4th June 2024 – Year 6 Leavers service in Brecon cathedral, 9.15am. Service starts at 11am-families are welcome to attend. We are pleased to inform you we have secured funding from the Diocese for a coach to transport the pupils to and from Brecon.
  • 6th June – change of date for class photos
  • 7th June – sport day.  Let’s hope for sunshine!
  • Change of date for Summer Fair-Thursday 18th July

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  A number of parents haven’t yet paid for after school clubs for this term. Thank you.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 3rd May 2024

Prynhawn da,

Another busy and productive week here at Llangattock.

The Y5/6 class have returned from their residential trip happy and tired! We cannot speak highly enough about how brilliant the children have been throughout their time at The Manor. We are so very proud of them all. 

I would like to thank you parents and families for supporting the trip and enabling your child/ren to make the best memories. A big diolch also to the dedicated staff who gave up their free time to ensure the children had a fantastic few days.  What a team!

If your child has come back with something not theirs, please return it to school office. Hopefully we’ll find the right owner!

Next Week

Monday 6th May – Bank holiday

Tuesday 7th:

  • FP PE
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing


  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 9th:

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 10th

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 P Buzz concert at 2.50pm – parents and families welcome to attend
  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • Weeks commencing 13th and 20th May – personalised assessments.  Please make every effort to ensure your child/ren attend school these weeks.
  • 20th May – Year 6 confirmation service. 
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – details to follow.
  • 4th June 2024 – Year 6 Leavers service in Brecon cathedral, 9.15am. Service starts at 11am-families are welcome to attend. We are pleased to inform you we have secured funding from the Diocese for a coach to transport the pupils to and from Brecon.
  • 6th June – change of date for class photos
  • Change of date for Summer Fair-Thursday 18th July

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items. Thank you.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 26th April 2024

Prynhawn da,

Busy week in school!

We had As You Like It Media filming in school again on Monday, they are now doing the final edit. We can’t wait to see it!

All pupils enjoyed ZooLab workshops on Monday. They really enjoyed learning about minibeasts, habitats, animal classification and of course most children loved handling the animals! These workshops help to bring the curriculum to life for our learners, as they provide authentic learning experiences for all.  Please log onto Parent Pay if you have not yet paid for your child/ren. Thank you.

There was much excitement on Tuesday when Team Wales and Nathaniel Cars visited us with Eurion the car! We are so proud that Eurion will be travelling all around Wales with our school name emblazoned across the bonnet! We have also won football, rugby and hockey sports equipment, which is fantastic.

Our KS2 pupils enjoyed basketball sessions with the Sports Ambassadors from Crickhowell High School. Everyone had the opportunity to learn new skills and have fun.

26 of our KS2 pupils attended the cross country event in Builth Wells today. They were all outstanding! So many of the children placed within the top 50% for their age category, and we even had an overall winner in Year 3. Llongyfarchiadau i Sophia Gowdy! Amazing achievement!

We could not have taken part in the event without our wonderful team of parent volunteers. We really appreciate everything you do for our school. Diolch o galon.

Thanks for supporting the Month of the Military Child today, it was lovely to see the school turn purple. All of the donations will be sent directly to Little Troopers.

Next Week

Monday 29th April:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • Piano lessons
  • After school club –  Whole School Fun club, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 30th:

  • FP PE
  • Y5/6 PE
  • Guitar lessons
  • Y2 Kerb Craft session 3
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club (limited to 15 on a first come basis initially) and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 1st May:

  • Y5/6 Residential trip leaving after lunch
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 2nd:

  • Y5/6 Residential trip
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 3rd:

  • Y5/6 Residential trip
  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • Weeks commencing 13th and 20th May – personalised assessments.  Please make every effort to ensure your child/ren attend school these weeks.
  • 20th May – Year 6 confirmation service. 
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – details to follow.
  • 4th June 2024 – Year 6 Leavers service in Brecon cathedral, 9.15am. Service starts at 11am-families are welcome to attend. We are pleased to inform you we have secured funding from the Diocese for a coach to transport the pupils to and from Brecon.
  • 6th June – change of date for class photos

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items. Thank you.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children to drink water during school hours. Thank you
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 19th April 2024

Prynhawn da,

A mixed week of rain and shine, a splattering of coughs and colds and successes at cross-country!

As You Like It Media filming in school went really well, some children have future careers in the media that is for sure! Lewis is back this coming Monday to film the school grounds and the Zoo Lab workshops.

KS2 cross country event at Llangynidr was a great success, we are proud of everyone who took part. You are all winners! Well done to the children who placed in their age categories.

April is Month of the Military child, and Friday is Purple Up Day. We will be raising funds for the Little Troopers charity, who support all children of our British Armed Forces.

Children can wear something purple on Friday to mark the day. We will be selling sweets and lollies for 50p also. All donations will be going directly to Little Troopers. Diolch.

We recently won a name the car competition with Team Wales and Nathaniel Cars. I am delighted to say Eurion the car has had his makeover and is visiting us on Tuesday!

Next Week

Monday 22nd April:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • As You Like It Media in school filming.
  • Zoolab workshops – please can you log onto Parent Pay and make payment.  Thank you.
  • Piano lessons
  • After school club –  Whole School Fun club, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 23rd:

  • Team Wales and Nathaniel Cars visit with Eurion the car!
  • FP PE
  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y2 Kerb Craft session 3
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club (limited to 15 on a first come basis initially) and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 24th:

  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 25th:

  • KS2 Basketball taster sessions-PE kit to be worn to school.
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 26th:

  • Purple Up Day. Children can wear purple for Month of the Military Child. Sweets or lollies on sale for 50p.
  • Cross country event in Builth Wells – KS2 children who have signed up.
  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • 1st-3rd May-Y5/6 Residential trip.
  • Weeks commencing 13th and 20th May – personalised assessments.  Please make every effort to ensure your child/ren attend school these weeks.
  • 20th May – Year 6 confirmation service
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – details to follow
  • 4th June 2024 – Year 6 Leavers service in Brecon cathedral 11am (details to follow)
  • 6th June – change of date for class photos

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items. Thank you.
  • Drinks – A reminder that we actively encourage children have water in their water bottles during school hours. Thank you
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 12th April 2024

Prynhawn da,

Croeso nol/Welcome back! 

There was much excitement on Monday when the children saw the work that had been done in the Forest Schools area over the Easter holidays. Diolch yn fawr iawn to you wonderful families and staff members who gave up a Sunday to come to school to support our volunteer day. An incredible amount of work was done-and we even got to enjoy freshly baked cakes! It is still a work in progress, but we have made huge strides. Thank you.

Year 2 had their first session of Kerbcraft this week. There was much discussion in class about what they had learnt. It is very important to learn how to cross the roads safely. We could not run these sessions without the parents that have volunteered to help, thank you so much for your support. Diolch.

School has been quiet today without the Year 6 children, who are attending Crickhowell High School for their Shadow Day. I hope they have had a successful day, I look forward to hearing all about it on Monday.

Next Week

Monday 15th April:

  • As You Like It Media filming in school
  • Y3/4 PE
  • Piano lessons
  • After school club –  Whole School Fun club, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 16th:

  • FP PE
  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y2 Kerb Craft session 2
  • After school clubs – KS2 Eco Club (limited to 15 on a first come basis initially) and Whole School Storytelling/creative writing

Wednesday 17th:

  • KS2 cross country event at Llangynidr.
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and Whole School Lego/Tech

Thursday 18th:

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 19th:

  • After school club – Whole School fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • 20th April-Abergavenny Eisteddfod
  • 22nd April-Zoolab workshop for FP. Details to follow.
  • 1st-3rd May-Y5/6 Residential trip.
  • Weeks commencing 13th and 20th May – personalised assessments.  Please make every effort to ensure your child/ren attend school these weeks.
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – details to follow

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items. Thank you.
  • Lost property – silver diamanté hoop earring, Uniqlo grey gilet, pair of glasses, flower pendant in the office
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth/Thank you for your support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 22nd March 2024

Prynhawn da,

Pasg Hapus pawb!

The Easter Hat Parade was so much fun-the Easter hats were works of art! I have never seen such an array of creative designs! Fantastic effort, diolch yn fawr.

What a joyful and uplifting service we had at St Catwg’s for our Easter Service. The singing and poetry recitations were beautiful. We were even treated to some lovely spring sunshine for our walk back to school!

PTA meeting at Horsehoe Inn went well, there are lots of great events planned for the next year-please keep your ideas coming via email. Diolch

World Down Syndrome Day was marked by some very crazy and odd socks!  Thank you for helping us to raise awareness and celebrate individuality.

Free school meals will be rolled out to Y5 and Y6 after Easter.  Attached is the menu that runs until the end of this academic year.

After school clubs will again be running next term.  Please sign your child up using this link. 

The Governors, Powys Finance and I are constantly reviewing our budget situation.  Across the UK councils are struggling, and Powys is no different.  In the past we have had some capacity to make up shortfalls, but with significant cuts to our school budget we are not in that position now.  In order to pay staff, cover our costs and breakeven, it has been decided to increase the price for After School Clubs and Breakfast Clubs to £2.50 from next term.  

After Easter-Please note, PE days are changing.

Monday 8th April:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • Piano lessons
  • After school club –  Fun club whole school, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 9th:

  • FP PE
  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y2 Kerb Craft session 1
  • After school club -Eco Club, KS2 (limited to 15 on a first come basis initially) and Storytelling/creative writing, whole school.

Wednesday 10th:

  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego/Tech

Thursday 11th:

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 12th:

  • Y6 shadow day at Crickhowell High School – Letter sent home today
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • 20th April-Abergavenny Eisteddfod
  • 22nd April-Zoolab workshop for FP. Details to follow.
  • 1st-3rd May-Y5/6 Residential trip.
  • 23rd May 2024 – KS2 trip to Hay Festival – details to follow

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is still a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared TODAY.  Thank you.
  • Lost property – silver diamanté hoop earring and Uniqlo grey gilet in the office
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely restful holiday!  Thank you for your continued support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 15th March 2024

Prynhawn da,

British Science Week has been marked this week in a variety of interesting and fun ways, from making pendulums to the life cycle of a frog game! So great to see the children enjoying practical science sessions.

The Foundation Phase Community Coffee Morning was thoroughly enjoyable, the children were super little entrepreneurs and organised a really successful event! The turnout was excellent and the children raised an amazing £270 for much needed play equipment! Thank you for supporting this event with donations and cakes. Diolch.

Thank you so much for the brilliant support today for Red Nose Day-Do Something Funny for Money. A superb £226.70 was raised by the school. Diolch. Little Sparks children took part in a sponsored fun run and raised a brilliant £177! Well done children. So our total for Comic Relief is a fantastic £403.70. Da iawn pawb, such a fantastic total.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies-We have decided that the Year 6 children can wear their leavers hoodies on their PE day (which is changing to a Tuesday after Easter) and a Friday, if they so wish. Could we ask the rest of the school to continue to wear school uniform as normal please, as this is a privilege only for our Year 6 children. Thank you.

Sign up for EasyFundraising today!

There are over 8,000 reasons to sign up to easyfundraising, but the main one is that you can help Llangattock CIW Primary School – Crickhowell for free. Turn your weekly food shops, birthday gifts, train tickets, holidays, and general online shopping at over 8,000 brands into free funding and support for us. Sign up to support us today, and we’ll get a bonus £5 donation:

Next Week

Monday 18th March:

  • Guitar lessons
  • Piano lessons
  • After school club –  Fun club whole school, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 19th:

  • FPh PE
  • Y3/4 PE
  • YR nurse measurements
  • Easter Service at St Catwg’s, 10am.
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 20th:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 PBuzz session
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego
  • PTA meeting at Horsehoe Inn, 6.30pm. All welcome to attend.

Thursday 21st:

  • World Down Syndrome Day-Lots of Socks Campaign. Children can wear bright, crazy or mismatched socks to school.
  • Y5/6 nurse visit
  • Easter Hat Parade, 2pm. Children do not have to wear an Easter hat if they don’t want to. They can wear an alternative hat or make an Easter picture/cross/collage to show instead.
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 22nd:

  • World Water Day
  • FP learners reward day-Bring a toy or game to school. Please do not bring anything special or valuable in case of accidental loss or damage. No electronic devices either please. Thanks!
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

  • March 24th – School grounds working party. Please contact the office if you are able to help in any way. See flyer attached for more information. Diolch yn fawr.
  • March 31st – Easter Service at St Catwg’s 9.30am. See flyer attached.

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is still a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared by the end of next week please.  Thank you.
  • Lost property – silver diamanté hoop earring and Uniqlo grey gilet in the office
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend, thank you for your continued support.

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 8th March 2024

Prynhawn da,

A wide range of experiential and authentic learning has taken place this week!

Rhiannon Roberts-what a brilliant day everyone had! The children were so inspired by the workshops. They were very creative with their painting techniques! Our murals look fantastic, Rhiannon has captured the school and local area really well. They will be hung on the wall in the main entrance and front corridor next week, so feel free to come and take a look! Thank you again for your contributions- please could you make payment via Parent Pay if you haven’t done so already. Diolch.

Choir visit to Greenhill home was wonderful, the residents enjoyed the visit so much they have asked if the choir can return in the summer. The children were absolutely delightful and took time to chat and engage with the residents. A very worthwhile visit.

FPh visit to Beacon Park Boats went really well, the children had the opportunity to explore the boats and to take a look in the workshop. They also learned about the differences between canals and rivers, and why canals were built.

World Book Day was celebrated on Thursday with some inventive and creative costumes indeed! The comfy ‘cwtch up with a book’ choice was successful also. It was great to have the opportunity to talk to the children about their book choices and favourite book characters.

We have talked about gender inequality, stereotypes and inclusivity this week as part of our work to mark Interantional Women’s Day. The children have also talked about women who inspire them. We have been encouraging everyone to #InspireInclusion today.

The turnout for parent consultation meetings was excellent. Thank you for understanding that staff have to stick to the 10 minute time slots as best they can! 

Sports for Schools/Jack Rutter – I am so delighted to say we have raised a staggering £1509 in cash plus on line amount of £523! Diolch yn fawr iawn to everyone who helped to raise sponsor money. School Council will be asking the children what sports equipment they would like to purchase next week.

Don’t forget St Catwg’s are hosting a special Mothering Sunday Service this Sunday, everyone is welcome to attend.

Next Week

Monday 11th March:

  • School grounds working party-1.30pm onwards.
  • After school club –  Fun club whole school, KS2 Football club

Tuesday 12th:

  • FPh PE-change of day for this week
  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club
  • Y5/6 Manor Adventure parents meeting at 5pm in school

Wednesday 13th:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 14th:

  • Guitar lessons
  • School nurse with Y5/6
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 15th:

  • Red Nose Day-Do Something Funny for Money. Please see attached letter from School Council 
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

March 19th – Easter Service at St Catwg’s

March 21st – Easter bonnet parade

March 24th – School grounds working party

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared by March so we can submit before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mums/aunties/grandmothers.

Mwynhewch eich penwythnos/Enjoy your weekend, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 1st March 2024

Prynhawn da,

Wow, what a fantastic week we have had! I am sure everyone is ready for a rest now!

Jack Rutter was inspirational on Tuesday, his story is really remarkable. What a fantastic role model for our pupils! Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored the fitness event so far, we appreciate your support. The deadline for sponsorship money is next Tuesday. Diolch.

 Y6 cycling proficiency concluded on Wednesday, the children cycled the roads really well-the coaches were very impressed. Da iawn.

Y6 had a treat on Thursday morning, they were invited to the High School to take part in a Grease Showcase. They had a great time and couldn’t wait to show us their new dance moves! Bendigedig!

And then of course, we ended the week on a high with our excellent Eisteddfod to celebrate Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant. Hwyl a sbri! Lots of fun!

Well done to each and every child, you are all winners. We are so proud of you all. I am always blown away by the talent here at Llangattock. Diolch for supporting our Welsh cake sale-we are trying to seize every moment we can to raise much needed funds for the school. Thank you.

Attached is a poster with information about the Mothering Sunday service at St Catwg’s on March 10th at 9.30am. Everyone is most welcome to attend. Reverend Bevan will be sharing an Open the Book story and the children that attend will sing  hymns that they know from school. 

Hay Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees are hosting a Multi Faith service this Sunday at Llangors church at 12:15pm, as part of the HBTSR Refugee Away Day. Again, everyone is welcome to attend.

As you know, Rhiannon Roberts is coming to school on Tuesday to work with our children and to create a mural for the school. We have asked for £9 per child to help cover the cost of the day, with an option to contribute an amount of your choice if you so wish. Diolch.

This method of payment is something we are trialling as a school. We are no longer in a position to cover costs of trips and events because of drastic budget cuts being made across all schools in Wales and the UK. We understand that everyone is finding these times challenging, and would like to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to cut costs whilst still ensuring the children receive the high quality and enriching education they deserve. Every penny always goes back to the children; and with your support, we will do our utmost to ensure they continue to engage in a range of fun and stimulating activities and events linked to their learning. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Next Thursday (7th March) is World Book Day. Our theme for the day is ‘Cwtch up with a book’. Children can wear comfy clothes and bring in their favourite book to share. Children are also welcome to dress up as their favourite book character and bring in the book to share. Please make sure the children’s names are in their books. Diolch.

Next Week

Monday 4th March:

  • FPh PE
  • After school club –  Fun club whole school, KS2 Football club
  • Parents’ consultation meetings

Tuesday 5th:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • Rhiannon Roberts Workshops-whole school.
  • After school club – whole school fun club
  • Parents’ consultation meetings

Wednesday 6th:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • PBuzz Session 8
  • Choir visit to Greenhill home
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 7th:

  • World Book Day – Children can either wear their comfy clothes/own clothes and bring a book, or dress up as their favourite book character and bring the book.
  • FPh visit to Beacon Park Boats.
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 8th:

  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

March 10th – Mothering Sunday Service at St Catwg’s (poster attached)

March 11th – School grounds working party

March 12th – Y5/6 Manor Adventure parents meeting, 5pm.

March 15th – Red nose day

March 19th – Easter Service at St Catwg’s

March 21st – Easter bonnet parade

March 24th – School grounds working party

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared by March so we can submit before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • Lost property – we have a silver hoop earring and a yellow fidget popper in the office. 
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mwynhewch eich penwythnos/Enjoy your weekend, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 23rd February 2024

Prynhawn da,

Back from half term to a busy week of learning!  Eisteddfod preparation is well underway; the children are working hard creating masterpieces in the style of Rhiannon Roberts and writing wonderful poems. And of course, singing and dancing their socks off!

KS2 children engaged in Emotion Coaching training yesterday with the Wellbeing and Equity lead for Powys. She emailed school this morning to say how enthusiastic and well-informed the children are here at Llangattock. It is so pleasing that visitors to the school recognise and appreciate just how well-behaved, happy and respectful Llangattock children are!

Well done to our Y6 children who took part in the cycling proficiency course today, they were all brilliant. It was great to see so many of them taking part. Thank you, parents, for organising the logistics of getting the bikes to school. Diolch.

Next Week

Monday 26th February:

  • FPh PE
  • After school club –  Fun club whole school. NO Football this week, due to unavailability of coaches. Football children are welcome to stay for Fun Club if they wish.

Tuesday 27th:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • Jack Rutter Fitness Sponsorship Event-Sports for Schools (see attachment). Please return sponsorship forms and money. Or click on the link to sponsor online:
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 28th:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • PBuzz Session 7
  • Y6 Cycle Proficiency Course. Bikes and helmets needed in school
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 29th:

  • Y6 children to walk to Crickhowell High School to take part in a Grease production workshop with High School pupils.
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 Choir and FPh Craft

Friday 1st March:

  • Eisteddfod. Parents/families are welcome to join us from 1:30pm to watch the Dawnsio Gwerin and listen to the class songs and poems.
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March – parent consultation meetings.  

Tuesday 5th March – Rhiannon Roberts Workshops. More details to follow.

Thursday 7th March – Foundation Learners visit to Beacon Park Boats.

Thursday March 7th-World Book Day. Children can either wear their comfy clothes/own clothes and bring a book, or dress up as their favourite book character and bring the book.

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared by March so we can submit before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • Lost property – we have a silver hoop earring and a yellow fidget popper in the office. 
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Cofion cynnes, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 9th February 2024

Prynhawn da,

Happy half term everyone! A busy week to end a successful term. Fire safety talks for Y2 and Y5/6 were informative and engaging on Monday.

Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day were celebrated through activities in class and in assemblies.

We also marked Choose Love for Refugees today, by creating orange hearts with messages to show we care.

We introduced our Sponsored Fitness Event in assembly this week. The children are very excited to welcome Jack Rutter to our school on the 27th February. We are hoping the event will be a great success for the school and the Sports For Schools community. If you need more sponsorship forms we have spares in the office. Diolch.

After school clubs will again be running next term.  Please sign your child up using this link The cost remains £2/club per week (£10 for the term).  In order to pay staff and cover our costs, it is vital that this is paid in advance via Parentpay. Diolch.

Please read attached letter regarding MMR Drop in sessions over half term. Thank you.

Monday 19th February:

  • FPh PE
  • After school club – Football KS2, Fun club whole school.

Tuesday 20th:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 21st:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • PBuzz Session 6
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 22nd:

  • Guitar lessons
  • Cluster Twilight Training – NO after school clubs today

Friday 23rd:

  • Y6 Cycle Proficiency Course. Bikes and helmets needed in school 
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

Spring newsletter attached with all upcoming events

Wednesday 28th Feb: Y6 Cycle Proficiency Course. Bikes and helmets needed in school

Tuesday 27th Feb: Jack Rutter Fitness Sponsorship Event-Sports for Schools (see attachment). Sponsorship forms  handed this week. Or click on the link to sponsor online:

Friday 1st March: Eisteddfod. Parents/families are welcome to join us from 1:30pm to watch the dawnsio gwerin and listen to the class songs and poems.

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March – parent consultation meetings.  Letters sent home today.

Tuesday 5th March – Rhiannon Roberts Workshops. More details to follow.

Thursday 7th March – Foundation Learners visit to Beacon Park Boats-Change of date.

Thursday March 7th-World Book Day

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you need support in clearing your debt balance, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared by March so we can submit before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • Lost property – we have a silver hoop earring and a yellow fidget popper in the office. 
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately.  Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times.  Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely half term.

Cofion cynnes, Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 2nd February 2024

Prynhawn da,

Another busy, fun and engaging week here at Llangattock. The Foundation Learners walk to Crickhowell was a great success on Monday. The children explored the local area and, of course, loved spending their money in Jehu’s! We had some tired legs by the time they got back to school! The children were so well behaved while they were out and about, they are a credit to you.

Y3/4 enjoyed their rugby session with Cole from Team Wales on Wednesday. I think we may have a few aspiring  Six Nations stars! 

Y6 children engaged well with the Resilience workshop on Thursday, which forms part of our Whole School Approach to Wellbeing.

We have a busy week ahead. It is Children’s Mental Health Week next week. Tuesday is Safer Internet Day and Friday is Dydd Miwsig Cymru. It is then the end of the half term already!

Next Week:

Monday 5th February:

  • FPh PE
  • Fire safety talks for Y2 and Y5/6
  • After school club-Football KS2, Fun club whole school.

Tuesday 6th:

  • Safer Internet Day
  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 7th:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 P Buzz session 5
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 8th::

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh Craft

Friday 9th:

  • Dydd Miwsig Cymru
  • After school club – whole school fun club
  • Last day of half-term!

Upcoming Events: 

Thursday 22nd Feb: Foundation learners walk to Beacon Park Boats.

Thursday 22nd Feb. Cluster Twilight Training-NO after school clubs today.

Friday 23rd Feb and Wednesday 28th Feb: Y6 Cycle Proficiency Course. Bikes and helmets needed in school on both days, see helmet flyer.

Tuesday 27th Feb: Jack Rutter Fitness Sponsorship Event-Sports for Schools (see attachment). Sponsorship forms to be handed out before half term. Or click on the link to sponsor online:

Friday 1st March: Eisteddfod. Parents/families are welcome to join us from 1:30pm to watch the dawnsio gwerin and listen to the class songs and poems.

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you are having financial issues, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times. Thank you.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Cofion cynnes, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 26th January 2024

Prynhawn da,

A wild and windy start to the week this week, but thankfully the school was unaffected. We had to cancel the FP walk to Crickhowell because of the weather warning, but it has been rearranged for Monday. A lovely sunny and dry end to the week though, which has meant children have enjoyed their outdoor sessions today! 

The Dragon Tales Show and workshops were brilliant on Monday. Children and staff were captivated! What a great way to inspire young writers. I look forward to reading the children’s finished stories.

Santes Dwynwen day/Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen was ‘hwyl a sbri’ yesterday. The school was turned into a sea of pinc a coch! Lovely to hear the Welsh language being used around the school through songs and stories.

Next Week:

Monday 29th January

  • FPh PE
  • FPh walk to Crickhowell
  • After school club-Football KS2, Fun club whole school.

Tuesday 30th:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 31st:

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 Team Wales Practical Session. PE kit needed please.
  • Y3/4 P Buzz session 4
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 1st February:

  • Guitar lessons
  • Y6 resilience workshop
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh Craft

Friday 2nd:

  • After school club – whole school fun club

Upcoming Events: 

Monday 5th Feb: Fire safety talks for Y2 and Y5/6

Friday 23rd Feb and Wednesday 28th Feb: Y6 Cycle Proficiency Course

Tuesday 27th Feb: Jack Rutter Fitness Sponsorship Event-Sports for Schools. Sponsorship forms to be handed out before half term.

Friday 1st March: Eisteddfod

Polite Reminders:

  • Parent Pay – please can you check your child/ren’s PP tabs and make payment for ALL items.  There is a significant amount of money owing to the school for dinners/breakfast club/trips/workshops which is severely impacting our budget.  If you are having financial issues, then please contact me to discuss. These debts need to be cleared before the end of the financial year. Thank you.
  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times. Thank you

Thank you for your continued support. 

Mwynhewch eich penwythnos/Enjoy your weekend.

Cofion cynnes, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 19th January 2024

Prynhawn da,

We have enjoyed the dry weather again this week, even if it has been very chilly! The children have wrapped up well and have enjoyed their sessions outdoors despite the cold.  Unfortunately, we have had to cordon off the outdoor classroom and surrounding area because of a rotten tree standing in the land adjacent to the school. We are awaiting a response from the land owner as to when the tree will be removed, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.

Foundation Phase enjoyed their walk to the chapel this week, taking in some of the sights along the way. I was impressed to hear how knowledgeable the children were about some of the historic sites they passed!

Y5/6 took part in Cwis Dim Clem with great enthusiasm this week. Da iawn to our winning team! Let’s hope we get through to the next round. Pob lwc tim!

Free school meals have been rolled out to Y4. WG plan to roll it out to Y5/6 later this year.

The Dragon Tales Show and Workshop is taking place on Monday. Please contribute £4 per child to help towards the cost of the theatre company. Diolch.

Thursday is Santes Dwynwen day/Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. The children have been learning about Dwynwen’s story and how she became the Patron Saint of Love. They will be celebrating on the day with fun activities. Children can wear red or pink to school if they wish.

Monday 22nd January

  • FPh PE
  • KS2 Dragon Tales show and workshops
  • FPh walk to Crickhowell
  • After school club-Football KS2, Fun club whole school.

Tuesday 23rd:

  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 24th;

  • Y5/6 PE
  • Y3/4 P Buzz session 3
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 25th:

  • Wear Red/Pink to school for Diwrnod Santes Dywnwen
  • Y3/4 PBuzz lessons
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh Craft

Friday 26th

Polite Reminders:

  • School uniform – As part of our school uniform policy we request that children wear plain black/dark shoes or trainers to school please. Thank you.
  • Healthy lunchboxes – A reminder that to comply with the laws in Wales, we are a healthy school. Therefore please ensure lunchboxes are balanced and nutritious, with minimal junk/treat food. No nuts or nut products please. Please see attached flyer for healthy lunch suggestions. Thank you.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times. Thank you

Thank you for your continued support. Mwynhwech eich penwythnos/Enjoy your weekend.

Cofion cynnes, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 12th January 2024

Prynhawn da,

Croeso nol/Welcome back! This first week has flown by! It has been lovely to see the children and hear all about their holidays. 

PBuzz sessions started this week in Year 3/4. The children did really well. They will be having 10 sessions in total.

Next week there is a Greenman and PTA meeting on Tuesday at 3pm. Please come along if you think you would be able to lead or support with the running of the Greenman Festival. Some members of our current team of fantastic organisers are now ready to hand over the baton to a new team after a very busy and successful few years. So we need to ensure we have new members that are willing to commit to the planning and organising of the festival. Thank you.

Monday 15th January

  • FP PE
  • After school club-Football KS2, Fun club whole school.

Tuesday 16th January:

  • FP walk around Llangattock village.
  • Y3/4 PE
  • After school club – whole school fun club

Wednesday 17th:

  • Cwis Dim Clem Round 1 (Welsh quiz) Y5/6
  • Y5/6 PE
  • PTA Green Man meeting at 3pm
  • After school clubs – KS2 Fitness and FPh Lego

Thursday 18th:

  • Y3/4 PBuzz session
  • FP PE
  • After school clubs – KS2 choir and FPh Craft

Friday 19th:

  • After school club – whole school fun club

Polite Reminders:

  • After school clubs – please sign your child up here. Parent Pay tabs will be set up shortly
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times. Thank you

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin, Headteacher


Weekly update Friday 15th December 2023

Prynhawn da,

Wow, what a tremendously busy but wonderful week we have had!

 The Christmas concerts were outstanding. Every single child was amazing on stage, we are all so very proud of them. The hall was full for each performance, thank you so much for supporting us and for your generosity when buying raffle tickets for the hampers! The money raised will pay for the costumes and the performance licences and will also pay for the party food next week. Diolch.

Tuesday’s Christmas dinner was delicious, thank-you Mrs Glenys. The children and staff were very well fed indeed! 

Llangattock choir and Risca Male Voice choir concert on Tuesday evening was very special. Such a fantastic experience for the children to be able to sing with a Male Voice Choir. We raised a brilliant £750 in ticket sales, which has been shared between the school and the choir. The choir are donating some of theirs to their chosen charity, which is MND. Our share will go towards the development of the Forest Schools area.

Monday 18th:

  • Raffle being drawn-we will notify all winners as soon as possible.
  • Rescheduled guitar lessons
  • Christingle service at St Catwg’s, 6pm. All welcome to attend.

Tuesday 19th:

  • FPh class parties. Children can wear party clothes/own clothes/Christmas jumpers to school.
  • Choir and Y5/6 children singing at St Edmunds, 7pm. All  welcome to attend

Wednesday 20th:

  • School dinner will be roast menu (Thursdays)
  • KS2 class parties. Children can wear party clothes/own clothes/Christmas jumpers to school.

Thursday 21st:

  • School dinner with be fish finger, chips/beans (Friday’s usual menu)
  • Last day of school!!

Upcoming dates:

  • Monday 8th January, Inset day. School is closed to pupils.

Polite Reminders:

  • School tea towels – please collect your orders from reception 
  • School photos – we are waiting for these to be delivered to school (if ordered after the deadline of 10 Dec they will be sent to home addresses)
  • After school clubs – are not running this week
  • Parent Pay – please can you ensure that you have paid all the relevant payments by the Christmas holidays
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Cars should not be driving and reversing to/from the school gate at pick up times. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Thank you for your continued support. 

Have a lovely weekend. Mwynhewch eich penwythnos.

Kind regards, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 8th December 2023

Prynhawn da,

We have had a festive, fun week here at Llangattock-there has been so much Christmas cheer and joy!

Llangattock Lighting up Ceremony on Wednesday-the parade was magical. The lanterns looked so special. Big thanks to Rachel and Mrs Smith for all of your hard work with helping to make the lanterns in the weeks leading up to the parade-it was all worth it! 

Helen Burns emailed the school to pass on her thanks to everyone for the wonderful turnout. She was most impressed by the number of children in attendance, and really enjoyed the singing. Well done all.

Christmas jumper day and film fun night was great fun, everyone really enjoyed the evening. We managed to raise some much needed funds at the same time, so thank you for supporting us. Please remember to pay if you haven’t already done so, thank you.

We ended the week on a huge high with our trip to theatre. The show was excellent, the children (and adults) had a fantastic time. It was a real joy to see the enjoyment on the children’s faces. The children were so well behaved too. I was also very impressed by their knowledge of the musical instruments the orchestra were playing. They are a credit to you!


Raffle tickets-Please, if you have any raffle tickets at home-both sold or unused, can you bring them back on Monday. We need to sell any unsold tickets before Friday. Thank you.

Concert tickets-if you have any tickets for school concerts that you don’t need. please can you return them to school on Monday. We have a waiting list for the KS2 concerts! Thank you.

Costumes-We have the dress rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday, so any costumes/clothes need to be in on Monday please.

Monday 11th:

  • KS2 Dress Rehearsal, 1:45pm
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school.

Tuesday 12th:

  • FP Dress Rehearsal 9:45am
  • School Christmas dinner – if you haven’t signed your child(ren) up, please send in a pack lunch
  • 3pm – PTA extraordinary meeting to elect Chair, Vice Chair and Vice Secretary. All parents welcome. 
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school
  • 6.30pm – Llangattock Choir and Risca Male Voice Choir concert

Wednesday 13th:

  • Brass sessions
  • 2pm KS2 Christmas play – tea, coffee and mince pies served before the performance
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh
  • 6pm FPh Christmas play (children to be dropped off at 5.30) tea, coffee and mince pies served before the performance

Thursday 14th:

  • 2pm FPh Christmas play – tea, coffee and mince pies served before the performance
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh
  • 6pm KS2 Christmas play  (children to be dropped off at 5.30) tea, coffee and mince pies served before the performance

Friday 15th

  • Y3/4 PE
  • Y5/6 PE
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Class parties – FPh 19th December and KS2 20th December

Polite Reminders:

  • School photos – please place your orders on line by 10th December for free delivery to school
  • After school clubs – are not running the final week of term (week commencing 18th December)
  • Parent Pay – please can you ensure that you have paid all the relevant payments by the Christmas holidays
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend. Mwynhewch eich penwythnos.

Kind regards

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 1st December 2023

Prynhawn da,

I am sending the update early today, as the Christmas Fair set up is in full swing here and we are just about to open! It is looking fantastic, there is something for everyone.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the PTA once again for their tremendous efforts in the planning and preparation leading up to today, and for their continued efforts setting up this afternoon. We have had parents on site most of the day.  What an incredible team of volunteers! We are so very appreciative of your support, your energy and enthusiasm. I am sure the children will have a fantastic time. We will update you on how the event went early next week. Diolch i chi gyd.

Thank you to the parents who donated Christmas gifts for the Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary, your kindness will be sure to make some children’s Christmases extra special this year! 

Don’t forget, there are raffle tickets available in the office, you could win one of our many, many fabulous prizes! See the flyer attached to find out more. 

Last reminder-sign up for Easy Fundraising to help us raise funds for the school while you shop. It’s completely free to do!
You spend, brands donate to Llangattock CIW Primary School – Crickhowell.Help us when you shop with 7,000+ brands. Join

Thank you very much. Every penny raised helps! Diolch o galon

Monday 4th:

  • PE FPh children
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school.

Tuesday 5th:

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 6th:

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh
  • Llangattock Lighting up Ceremony, 5:30pm onwards. See flyer attached.
    • Children to come to school hall by 5:30pm (with a parent/guardian)ready to start the parade together from the bottom gate. 
    • We will be walking to the lighting up ceremony for 6pm, so will be leaving school at roughly 5:45pm.
    • Children have been very busy at school making lanterns ready for the parade. See PDF attached for a few photographs of the children making theirs.

Thursday 7th:

  • Christmas Jumper day
  • School choir to St Catwg’s for a rehearsal
  • Guitar lessons
  • NO After school clubs
  • Film and Fun night – 7th December, 3:30pm-6:30pm.   Sign your child up by 1st Dec:

Friday 8th:

  • Whole school trip to Brychneiniog Theatre- please give consent and make payment via Parent Pay by 6th December
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • School Christmas dinner 12th December – Please can you click on the link below and complete for each child with their selection of menu by Friday1st December so that Glenys can place her order.
  • Risca Male Voice Choir and Llangattock School Choir performance at St Catwg’s at 6pm. See flyer. Tickets are available at the school office. £5 from each ticket sale will go to the school. All families are welcome to come, but just to make you aware it is the Thursday after school club choir children only who will be performing. 
  • School Christmas Plays 13th and 14th December – tickets have been sent home.  Please can you return any unwanted tickets to the office so that they can be offered to other parents.

Polite Reminders:

  • After school Clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attended this term.  We have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Breakfast Club – we have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend. Mwynhewch eich penwythnos.

Kind regards, 

Katherine Durbin, Headteacher

Weekly update Friday 24th November

Prynhawn da,

Thank you to the PTA for all of your outstanding efforts and hard work this week. The Christmas Fair is shaping up to be a fun-filled family occasion, with a chance to get some Christmas shopping done at the same time! Help is still needed on the day please, either for set up, to run a stall or to help with the big clear up afterwards! Diolch o galon.

We have had an incredible amount of fantastic raffle prizes donated so far. Raffle tickets will be coming home with the children early next week. Thank you.

KS2 children enjoyed engaging in the Five Ways to Wellbeing workshops on Thursday. The children discussed how the five strategies of Connect, Be Active, Give, Take Notice, Keep Learning, can make a difference to their mental and physical health.

WW2 Workshops for KS2 were a great success, the children thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience of studying wartime artefacts. They also had the opportunity to dress in military clothing.

Don’t forget to sign up for the easy fundraising app-it is quick and easy to use! Supermarkets such as Waitrose, Morrisons, Sainsbury, Tesco and Asda are all signed up to the scheme, so if you are an online grocery shopper, it is a really brilliant way of raising funds for the school at NO extra cost to yourselves!

Rehearsals for the Christmas plays are well underway!  Letter (attached) and tickets are coming home today.

Monday 27th:

  • PE FPh children
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school.

Tuesday 28th:

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 29th:

  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 30th:

  • PE Y5/6
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 1st:

  • Christmas Fair and Market, 3pm-5pm.
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Christmas Gift Donations-by Monday 27th November. Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees are seeking new gifts for children such as:
    • Art supplies, books, warm clothing (hats, scarves, gloves), board games, small toys (e.g., cars, dinosaurs, non-violent superheroes), and dolls, especially those with diverse skin tones. 
    • If you would like to support this cause, please wrap the gifts, label them with the appropriate age and gender, and include an anonymous kind message if you wish. 
  • Rag Bag Clothes Collection Scheme: We have collected £38 for the school so far! Keep your unwanted textiles coming, the box will be at school until the end of January 2024. 
  • Llangattock Lighting up Ceremony – 6th December. Children have been very busy at school making lanterns for the Lantern Parade!
  • Christmas Jumper Day – 7th December
  • Film and Fun night – 7th December, 3:30pm-6:30pm. Chance for parents to pop to the late night shopping event in Crickhowell!
  • Theatr Brecheiniog Visit to see The Snowman-Whole school. Friday 8th December
  • School Christmas dinner 12th December – Please can you click on the link below and complete for each child with their selection of menu by Friday1st December so that Glenys can place her order.

Polite Reminders:

  • After school Clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attended this term.  We have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Breakfast Club – we have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 17th November

Prynhawn da,

Thank you for your generous donations for Children in Need, between the school, Little Sparks and Kinde we raised a brilliant £283! Diolch yn fawr.

School Council did a fantastic job organising the disco and sweet sale. It was a great success! 

The Stepfather Christmas storytelling session was a fun, interactive workshop lead by the author. The children in KS2 really enjoyed the engaging activities. If you are interested in ordering a book at the discounted price, please fill in the attached form and bring it to school by Monday at the latest. 

Request for help with the School Christmas Fair – 1st December (see attached flyer).  We need as much help as we can please, with donations and with volunteers to help with the organisation running up to the event, and help to run the stalls at the fair. Even if you can only spare an hour on the day, that would be really helpful!

 We, like nearly all schools in Wales, are struggling financially, due to Welsh Government budget cuts. So,  without the support of the PTA, we would not be able to invest in improving the school for the children. We are currently improving the outdoor learning environment and developing a new Forest Schools Area-none of this would be possible without the PTA and your donations and support!

Donations as follows please:

  • any good condition, clean teddy bears
  • any good condition, clean Christmas jumpers/T-shirts
  • donations of wine
  • Raffle prizes 
  • Small children’s prizes for the games

Thank you very much for your continued support. The school now more than ever, needs the whole community to work together for the good of the children. 

Monday 20th:

  • PE FPh children
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school.

Tuesday 21st:

  • PE Y5/6
  • Y5/6 Spanish session in class with K Bosley (High school teacher)
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 22nd:

  • PE Y3/4
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 23rd:

  • KS2 workshops-Five Ways to Wellbeing
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 24th:

  • WW2 Workshops for KS2
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Christmas Gift Donations-by Monday 27th November. Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees are seeking new gifts for children such as:
    • Art supplies, books, warm clothing (hats, scarves, gloves), board games, small toys (e.g., cars, dinosaurs, non-violent superheroes), and dolls, especially those with diverse skin tones. 
    • If you would like to support this cause, please wrap the gifts, label them with the appropriate age and gender, and include an anonymous kind message if you wish. 
  • Rag Bag Clothes Collection Scheme: We have collected £38 for the school so far! Keep your unwanted textiles coming, the box will be at school until the end of January 2024.
  • School Christmas Fair 1st December
  • Llangattock Lighting up Ceremony – 6th December
  • Christmas Jumper Day – 7th December
  • Film and Fun night – 7th December
  • Theatr Brecheiniog Visit to see The Snowman-Whole school. Friday 8th December.

Polite Reminders:

  • After school Clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attended this term.  We have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Breakfast Club – we have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for this term:
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 10th November

Prynhawn da,

I would like to thank the school community for the wonderful turnout at the Remembrance Service Cuppa and Cake event today. It was very special indeed.  Years 5 and 6 had a ball serving everyone! The children sang and recited beautifully. 

Thank you to KS2 staff, they have worked very hard with the children this week  to organise the event. And once again everyone has been so generous with  donations and cakes. Diolch yn fawr.

PTA meeting planning went well this week. Thank you to all who attended. As I have said before, your support has such a positive impact on the school. The first event planned is the Christmas Fair on December 1st.  If you have any ideas/talents/skills that you can share with us for this event, please pop in or email the office. Thank you.

It is Anti-Bullying Week next week. The campaign starts with Odd Socks Day on Monday. As it is school photo day on Monday, we have arranged for the children to wear odd socks on Tuesday instead.

Bookish have arranged a free storytelling event for schools in the local area. KS2 will be listening to the author read a chapter on Friday. See flyer attached for information about the book. 

PE days have changed for this week-please see below.

Monday 13th November-Individual school photos. 

  • Pre-school children can have photos taken with their siblings from 8:30am if you wish. Photos taking place in Community Hall. School aged children with siblings will have photos taken together in school time.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school.

Tuesday 14th

  • PE FPh children
  • Children to wear odd socks to school
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 15th

  • PE Y3/4
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 16th

  • PE Y5/6 
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 17th-Children in Need. Suggested donation of £1. Sweets on sale for an additional 50p.

  • Children to wear pyjamas/own clothes/Pudsey clothes. Disco in school at 2:30pm, collection normal time.
  • 1:30pm-KS2 Storyteller session from the author of Stepfather Christmas. See attachement.
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • WW2 Workshops for KS2-Friday 24th November-details to follow.
  • School Christmas Fair – 1st December
  • Llangattock Lighting up Ceremony – 6th December
  • Christmas Jumper Day – 7th December
  • Film and Fun night – 7th December
  • Theatr Brecheiniog Visit to see The Snowman-Whole school. Friday 8th December.

Polite Reminders:

  • After school Clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attended this term.  We have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for next term:
  • Breakfast Club – we have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for next term:
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 27th October

Prynhawn da,

We have made it to half term! I know from speaking to families and the classes that lots of the children have been feeling really tired this week. And so have the staff! But everyone has made it to the end, and attendance has been very good despite the illnesses and the long term. Thank you. 

The visit to Park Farm was fantastic, the Foundation Phase children had a great time and came back to school with lots of lovely pumpkins. They made pumpkin soup yesterday, which was delicious! It was wonderful to see the children chopping vegetables and cooking together. Nearly all of the children tasted the soup too, well done everyone. 

Parents’ meetings were successful and very well attended. Thank you everyone for trying to stick to the times, I know it is a challenge! Also, thank you for being so patient when staff inevitably ran over at times. Diolch.

Year 5/6 had a productive Spanish session with a member of the Crickhowell High School team on Tuesday. The children have been using Spanish words and phrases around the school this week!

A representative from Abergavenny Food bank collected our donations on Monday. They were extremely grateful for your generosity. Thank you for your support.

After half term:

Poppies/wristbands will be on sale in school this week. Suggested donation amount of 50p for a poppy, £1 for a wristband. 

Monday 6th November

  • FPh PE
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 7th

  • KS2 children to St Catwg’s Church for Open the Book Service. 
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 8th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • 3.30pm PTA meeting to discuss the Christmas Fair and Christmas Bingo night – all welcome to help plan!
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 9th

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 10th

  • PE Y3/4-swapped from Tuesday for this week.
  • 10am KS2 Remembrance Day Cuppa and Cake Event
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • School tea towel – please place your order by paying on Parent Pay by Monday 13th November
  • Individual school photos – Monday 13th November
  • Children in Need – Friday 17th November

Polite Reminders:

  • After school Clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attended this term.  We have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for next term:
  • Breakfast Club – we have had to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs.  Link to sign your child up for next term:
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely break over half term!

Kind regards,  Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 20th October

Prynhawn da,

We are fast approaching the end of the first half term. And what a productive, enjoyable and busy half term it has been so far! 

We had our final Project Touchline this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions, which was reflected in the wonderful video. We are hopeful we will be able to work with Chris Andrew again in the future.  

Show Racism the Red Card today was a success, the school was turned into a sea of red! The children took part in important  awareness raising sessions throughout the day. 

Foodbank collection was very well supported by the school community, thank you so much for your continued generosity and support. 

Tim Jones, from Llangattock Community Council came to our Governing Body meeting this week to discuss the Llangattock Place Plan Consultation. He has asked if we could share the following survey with parents:

Llangattock 15-year plan, LCIWS Parents Survey

Next Week:

Monday 23rd

  • FPh walk to the Pumpkin Patch at Park Farm
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school
  • Parent Consultation meetings.  Reminder please, that appointments are 10 minutes only.

Tuesday 24th

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school
  • Parent Consultation meetings. Reminder please, that appointments are 10 minutes only.

Wednesday 25th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 26th

  • Flu spray mop up session
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 27th

  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school
  • HALF TERM begins!!

Upcoming events:

  • After School Clubs and Breakfast Clubs – from next term we are having to increase the price to £2 in order to cover our costs
  • PTA meeting to discuss and plan for Christmas Fair and Christmas Bingo night – 3.30pm on Wednesday 8th November
  • KS2 Remembrance Day Cuppa and Cake Event – 10am on Friday 10th November
  • School tea towel – please place your order by paying on Parent Pay by Monday 13th November
  • Individual school photos – Monday 13th November

Polite Reminders:

  • Lost property – we have a lot of unnamed jumpers!  These will be in the hall during Parents’ Evenings – please have a look for anything your child is missing.  Please can we remind parents to clearly label jumpers.
  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 
  • After school clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children are attending this term.

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 13th October

Prynhawn da,

Thank you to everyone who attended our Harvest Festival. It was a lovely service. The children sang beautifully and recited their poems really well. Just a reminder please (a little late, sorry!) that no photos or videos taken during the service are to be shared with the public, as we do not have the appropriate permissions for this. Thank you.

FPh Expressive Arts Workshop and visit to Talgarth Mill were both very successful. We are ensuring the children receive an enriching curriculum  with these experiences, but we could not do this without your support. Thank you so much. 

Project Touchline filming was great, we are all looking forward to seeing the finished film on Monday! We were so lucky with the weather. The sessions with Chris are finishing on Monday, but we aim to continue to play the respectful games and keep the project going. We will need to invest in some new equipment to be able to do this, so watch this space-we will be selling something to you all very soon I am sure!

Shwmae day was great fun, we celebrated all things Welsh and even got to enjoy a Welsh cake thanks to the Greenman/PTA team! Diolch o galon.

Next Week:

Monday 16th

  • Project Touchline session 6 – whole school. PE kit to be worn please.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 17th

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 18th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 19th

  • Guitar lessons
  • Open Afternoon 2pm-3:30pm
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 20th

  • Show Racism the Red Card- wear red
  • Foodbank collection – last day to drop off
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Abergavenny Foodbank collection – as usual we are doing a Harvest collection for our local foodbank.  Please can you bring in non-perishable food items by Friday 20th October – dropping them at reception or to the class teacher.  Thank you
  • Cauliflower cards-these need to be returned to school ASAP if you wish to place an order. Thank you.
  • Parent Consultation meetings – Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th Oct
  •  KS2 Remembrance Day Cuppa and Cake Event. 10am on Friday 10th November
  • School tea towel – we haven’t done one of these for years!  Plans are underway to design these in time for Christmas.  Further details coming out next week.

Polite Reminders:

  • Parking/Driving near the school –   Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 
  • After school clubs – Please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attend.

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Finally Powys Catering have a number of vacancies that you may wish to share with family and friends (flyer attached).

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 6th October

Prynhawn da,

I would like to thank the parents for supporting the Football Competition today, we would not have been able to take part in this event if it wasn’t for your kind offers of lifts and car sharing. The children had a fantastic time and were exceptionally well-behaved throughout the day. I was so pleased to hear such positive feedback about our children. Well done Team Llangattock!

Project Touchline session 5 was based upon the children creating a piece of artwork that reflects rugby, respect and religion. The children produced some lovely pieces that will be included in the filming session on Monday. We have some very talented artists here!

The children have also been busy this week preparing for our Harvest Festival which takes place at St Catwg’s Church on Tuesday. The singing is sounding fantastic! You are in for a treat.

We are holding an Open Afternoon for prospective parents on Thursday 19th October. We would love it if you could help us to spread the word. We are going to be sending the flyer attached to the wider community to advertise the event. If your child is in any of the photographs and you do not wish them to be, please let me know and we can remove them. Thank you.

Don’t forget-we have a Rag bag box for any unwanted clothing to help us raise funds for the school. Please help us to fill it! Thank you

Next Week:

Monday 9th

  • FPh Expressive Arts Workshop
  • Project Touchline session 5 – whole school. PE kit to be worn please.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 10th

  • Harvest Festival at St Catwg’s, 10am
  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 11th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 12th

  • FPh visit to Talgarth Mill
  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 13th

  • Shwmae day. Children to wear red white or green (or all three!)
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school.

Upcoming events:

  • Cauliflower Christmas card – we are doing these again this year!  Your child will be bringing their artwork and order sheet home on Monday.  Please can you complete and return the form to school by Friday 13th October.  Artwork and forms will then be sent off, and products delivered to school well in time for Christmas.
  • Abergavenny Foodbank collection – as usual we are doing a Harvest collection for our local foodbank.  Please can you bring in non-perishable food items by Friday 20th October – dropping them at reception or to the class teacher.  Thank you
  • Open Afternoon- Thursday 19th October, 2pm-3:30pm
  • Show Racism the Red Card– wear red day. Friday 20th October.
  • Parent Consultation meetings – Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th.  Letters came home with your child today.  Please return asap with time slots you can do

Polite Reminders:

  • Parking/Driving near the school – It has been brought to my attention that some parents/family members are driving and parking without due care and attention at drop off and pick up times.  Please be mindful when driving to and from the school site that there are children on foot who might not be seen. Please park and drive safely and considerately. Thank you. 
  • After school clubs – please can you make payment via Parent Pay for the clubs your children attend.

Twitter –  Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:  @Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards,  Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 25th September

Prynhawn da,

I would like to start by thanking the children and parents/guardians/family members for supporting our MacMillan event on Wednesday. It was a great success. We are delighted to be able to donate a whopping £321. Diolch.

Further to our PTA AGM I am pleased to confirm the following appointments: Anita Cartwright (Chair), Chris Bennett (Treasurer) and Sarah Gowdy  (Secretary).  I am so grateful to these parents and all the parents that volunteer their time to support the school in so many ways. Thank you.

The children have been engaging in Project Touchline really well. Through the fun games they play, they are learning how important it is to listen and be respectful towards others. Please remember to sign the film consent form if you haven’t already done so.

We had a fun morning learning Spanish on Tuesday to mark European Day of Languages. We would like to thank one of our parents for coming in and teaching us all some Spanish phrases and songs. Muchas gracias Fernanda!

Next Week:

Monday 2nd

  • Project Touchline session 4 – whole school. PE kit to be worn please.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 3rd

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 4th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Brass sessions
  • Flu vaccinations (see 2 attachments)
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 5th

  • Guitar lessons
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 6th

  • Y5/6- Rotary Junior Schools Football Competition-more details to follow. If we have lots of interest from the pupils, we will draw names from a hat!
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school.

Upcoming events:

  • 9th October-FPh Expressive Arts Workshop-more details to follow.
  • 10th October – Harvest Festival at St Catwg’s, 10am
  • 12th October-FPh visit to Talgarth mill. More details to follow.
  • 13th October. Shwmae day. Children to wear red white or green (or all three!)

Polite Reminders

Parking/Driving near the school.

  • Please do not drive up the hill near the school at drop off or collection times. There is no room to turn around at the top. Reversing back down the hill is dangerous as children might not be seen. Thank you.


  • In the interest of safety and security, please refrain from climbing over the school gates


  • Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:@Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards, 

Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 15th September

Prynhawn da,

What a busy, fun and productive week we have had here at Llangattock! Pupils had such fun in their Upbeat Music sessions. The Parent Pay tab is still open for contributions towards the cost of this workshop. Thank you for the contributions we have received so far.

We also had our first Project Touchline session, which was really inspiring and engaging. The children were so responsive to the concept of being respectful through sport. We have the Diocesan Director of Education John Meredith to thank for these sessions; he has secured funding through the Diocese, for the 6-week programme.

As I mentioned in an email this morning, we have a few positive Covid cases at school. I am aware that the guidance is rather broad and, as the Autumn term progresses, it is likely to change. Just to reassure you, I have spoken to the HR team regarding the advice for schools, and I will continue to monitor this and update you of any changes. 

Good luck to the choir singing at the Food Festival and MND concert this weekend! 

Next Week:

Monday 18th

  • Project Touchline-whole school. PE kit to be worn please.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 19th

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school
  • Y5/6 parents – 4pm Teams meeting regarding the Manor Residential Trip taking place next May

Wednesday 20th

  • PE Y5/6
  • Bishop John visiting KS2 children.
  • Brass sessions.
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 21st

  • Guitar sessions
  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh
  • Y5/6 Crickhowell High School open evening

Friday 22nd

  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Wednesday 27th September-Macmillan Coffee Morning, 9:30am. All welcome to come along for a cuppa and cake. We will be asking for donations of cakes next week. Thank you.
  • Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September-Cluster Inset Day. School is closed for pupils
  • Llangattock Community Council consultation events are taking place over the coming weeks (see attachments for further details)

Polite Reminders

After School Clubs

  • We are delighted to be able to offer after-school provision 5 days a week. We have to close the school gates at around 3:35pm, due to the fact that we have these After School Clubs running on site. This is to ensure the safety of all pupils on site. 
  • All pupils attending After School clubs need to be collected from the main entrance at 4:30pm. This is because volunteers/staff who are running the clubs are not available at 4:30pm to re-open the gates. Our priority has to be the safety of the children at all times. Thank you.

Flu Consent Forms

      Please return flu consent form on Monday at the latest.


  • Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:@Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kind regards, Katherine Durbin

Weekly update Friday 8th September

What a great start to a new school year! I am so excited to begin a new academic year within the community of Llangattock. The children have settled back into the school routine with much enthusiasm! It has been lovely to see lots of learning taking place in each class this week.

Thank you to everyone for making such a conscious effort to bring the children to school on time and for being prompt at pick up times. We appreciate your cooperation. It is important to us because it means our school grounds are safe and our learning can begin promptly.

We are pleased to be able to offer after school clubs every day.  If you have returned your permission slip then you child will appear on the relevant Parent Pay tab.  If you want your child to attend then please return the permission slips by Monday at the latest.

We are delighted to be starting a transformational 6-week whole school programme called Project Touchline. Chris Andrew will be coming into school every Monday to teach the children Christian values through the medium of sport. He will be leading collective worship every Monday and he is also going to assist us in setting up a lunch time prayer club.

Children will need to wear their PE kits to school every Monday for the next six weeks please.

Thank you to everyone who supported our ice lolly sale, we are continually striving to raise much needed funds for the school. We appreciate your support.

Next Week:

Monday 11th

  • Upbeat Music sessions – £2 contribution on Parent Pay tab
  • Project Touchline-whole school. PE kit to be worn please.
  • After school clubs – Football KS2 and Fun Club whole school

Tuesday 12th

  • PE Y3/4
  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Wednesday 13th

  • PE Y5/6
  • After school clubs – Fitness KS2 and Lego FPh

Thursday 14th

  • After school clubs – Choir KS2 and Craft FPh

Friday 15th

  • After school clubs – Fun Club whole school

Upcoming events:

  • Saturday 16th September-KS2 Choir to perform at Abergavenny Food Festival, 12pm-1pm
  • Saturday 16th September-KS2 Choir to perform at MND concert at St Edmunds, 7pm start
  • Tuesday 19th September-Y5/6 parents to attend a Teams meeting regarding the Manor Residential Trip taking place next May. Meeting time, 4pm.
  • Wednesday 27th September-Macmillan Coffee Morning, 9:30am. All welcome to come along for a cuppa and cake. We will be asking for donations of cakes closer to the time. Thank you.
  • Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September-Cluster Inset Day. School is closed for pupils

Polite Reminders

School Gates and Safeguarding

  • The school opens for pupils at 8:50am. The school gates will close just after 9:00am, to ensure lessons can start promptly and that all pupils and staff are safeguarded on site. If you arrive after 9am, please use the main entrance and sign the late book. Thank you. 
  • We will be closing the school gates at 3:35pm, due to the fact that we have daily After School Clubs running on site. This, again, is to ensure the safety of all pupils. All pupils attending After School clubs will now be collected from the main entrance at 4:30pm. Thank you.

Parent consent for pick up time.

  • Please remember to email or ring the school if you have given your child/ren permission to go home with someone who isn’t on their list of   adults who have consent to collect them. Thank you.


  • Please do not allow your child/ren from bringing toys or footballs into school. Thank you. 


  • Please follow us on Twitter to keep updated with photographs of school life and information about events:@Our_Llangattock   @MrsDurbinHead    

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,
Katherine Durbin

Your Amazing Work

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May 212020


Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4


Spiders by Iolo (ppt file)
Charles Darwin by Clara (ppt file)

Year 5 & 6

It’s A Wonderful World by William (pps file)